Archive: «Jedermann Reloaded» presented by Philipp Hochmair and his Band «Die Elektrohand Gottes»

Grafenegg Wolkenturm


  • Philipp Hochmair , Voice and Play
  • Tobias Herzz Hallbauer , Guitar, Sampler
  • Jörg Schittkowski , Synthesizer, Electronics, Sound Machines
  • Bastien Eiffler , Drums & Trash
  • Hanns Clasen , Light and Sound Design


Philipp Hochmair and his band «Die Elektrohand Gottes»

The exceptional artist Philipp Hochmair has been a crowd puller on the theater stages for years and this year he was awarded as Austria's most popular actor for the ROMY by ORF and Kurier. His appearance in “Jedermann” at the Salzburg Festival 2018 and his charismatic role in the ORF hit series “Vorstadtweiber” are unforgettable.
2019 Philipp Hochmair presented his interpretation of Goethe's masterpiece “Werther!”, directed by Nicolas Stemann, in the sold-out Kittenberger Erlebnisgärten in Schiltern near Langenlois. After this successful event last year, the Wolkenenturm Grafenegg will be the scene of another event with Philipp Hochmair 2020.
Philipp Hochmair slips into all roles in this piece and turns Hugo von Hofmannsthal's piece into a polyphonic monologue. Everyone is a rock star. Together with the experimental sounds of his band "Die Elektrohand Gottes" Philipp Hochmair transforms the 100 year old mystery game into an apocalyptic speech concert.


This is an external event of the Cayenne Marketingagentur GmbH.

Cayenne Marketingagentur GmbH
Heiligenstädter Straße 31/Stiege 2/6 OG/Top 1
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