Archive: 10. Niederösterreichisches Adventsingen

Grafenegg Auditorium


  • Rossatzer Bläser
  • Mostviertler BlechMusikanten
  • Junger Chor der Chorszene Niederösterreich, Leitung: Oliver Stech
  • Vokalensemble TrioSoNett
  • Pongauer Geigenmusi
  • Kindervolkstanzgruppe Krems-Stein, Regie: Giuseppe Rizzo
  • Dorli Draxler, Moderation & Konzeption
  • Edgar Niemeczek, Moderation & Konzeption


As part of the Grafenegger Advent, the annual Advent choral concerts “Niederösterreichisches Adventsingen” organised by “Volkskultur Niederösterreich” – this year on the 5th and 6th of December 2019, starting at 7 o’clock p.m. – are well-esteemed highlights during the Advent season. For the tenth time outstanding music ensembles and choral singers from Lower Austria convey a peaceful atmosphere and a break from the annual Christmas hustle and bustle. At this time of the year, when the yearning for traditions and contemplation is especially great, we enjoy familiar ancient customs and well-known melodies. The music program dwells upon the main themes of the Christmas season – from the Annunciation to the Adoration of the Shepherds. The Advent choral concerts are traditionally hosted by Dorli Draxler and Edgar Niemeczek. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, the children's folk-dance group Krems-Stein, under the artistic direction of Giuseppe Rizzo, will perform a nativity play. Young voices are the focus of this year's choral project choir: Oliver Stech presents 80 young singers from the choir “Landesjugendchor Niederösterreich” and the secondary school “BORG Krems”.


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